Undeniably, the number of files that we keep on our computers keeps going high, considering how much information we go through daily. PDF files, in particular, are one of the most extensive files that could potentially take most of the space on your storage. While there are tons of tools that you can use to sort most of your files out, not all of them are good at doing so.
One of the most reliable and useful online tools that you can utilize today is PDFBear. While using this tool, you can have access to features that you will rarely see on similar tools. You will be able to access PDFBear using different platforms and access the software online without downloading it.
Moreover, most of the processes are simple and straightforward, thanks to a user-friendly interface. You won’t have to wait that long to have all of your PDF files reduced since everything is done pretty quickly, and what’s even better is it’s free. In this article, we will show you a brief guide on how to reduce all of your PDF files easily.
PDFBear’s Features
PDFBear has got you covered when taking care of your PDF files. It’s got great features that are very useful for whatever purpose you want. For the compress pdf tool, it is ensured that it will compress your PDF files up to 70% without comprising the quality of your files since it aims to give the highest quality there is.
Basic and Advanced Features
What’s great about PDFBear is that it can take care of your PDF needs online and for free. You can have access to different types of features that the site offers. It doesn’t also require you to be a member just to have access to other PDF options. For users who are using the PDF compression tool for free, they will only get to use the basic compression.
However, if the users opted for premium features, they will have the option to use the strong compression. In this feature, they will get to exceed the limits and get the best result there is. The choice depends on the users, and it’s up to them to choose whichever benefits them the most.
Compressing Your PDF Files
One of the best ways to save some space on your storage for more PDF files is by using PDFBear’s compression tool. To start compressing your files, select and choose all the PDF files that you want to compress, or you can also drag and drop them to PDFBear’s server. Once done, choose from the available options, and PDFBear will start to scan and analyze your files.
After it analyzes the files you have chosen, it will start the process of compressing your PDF files. All of the processes won’t take that long, and you will soon have your files ready for download. Once you have your files, you can either save them to your computer or share them with other storages you have online for easy access.
There are plenty of online tools that you will find on the internet today, but PDFBear should be on your top choices. For an online tool that is free to use, has tons of features and processes that are simple and straightforward, what more could you possibly ask for? You will never go wrong with choosing PDFBear to take care of your PDF files.
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