Anyone who owns or looks after a horse knows that an important step of their care routine is to clean and groom them regularly. There are a number of different reasons why you should groom your horse regularly and there are also a number of benefits that come along with it. Grooming is essentials for keeping your horse looking and feeling healthy. However, if you are a beginner, it can be difficult to know where to begin when it comes to grooming your horse. So here is an easy step by step guide to grooming your horse.
Step 1 – Secure your horse
The first step you should take when grooming your horse is to tie them up to a post or a fence. Many horse’s like to move and shift around while being groomed, so securing them in place will make your job a lot easier. Try tying their lead rope to something that is above the height of their shoulders and make sure to use a quick-release knot, in case they get spooked and need to escape quickly.
Step 2 – Clean your horse’s hoofs
Once you have got your horse secured in place you can start their grooming routine by cleaning their hoofs. Start by standing next to your horse while facing the opposite direction and lifting up their foot. Have your hoof pick ready in your opposite hand to the one you are holding your horses foot in. Once you feel like you have enough support and that your horse feels comfortable you can use your hoof pick to gently remove any dirt or debris that is stuck on the bottom of your horse’s foot. To avoid jabbing your horse’s foot, work from the back to the front of their hoof until it is completely clean.
Step 3 – Curry your horse
Now that you have finished cleaning your horses’ hoofs, you can move on to grooming their body. Firstly, to loosen and remove heavier dirt from their coat, you should run a curry comb through their fur. Taking this first initial to remove heavier particles of dirt will make it easier for you when it comes to cleaning and clipping your horse. Start by combing your horse using circular motions from their ear down to their tail. If you notice that your horse flattens their ears off swishes their tails, this is a sign that they are feeling uncomfortable, so make sure to use a softer hand and apply less pressure.
Step 4 – Brush away dirt and debris
After removing all the excess, heavier dirt from your horse’s coat, you can now brush it off using a dandy brush. A dandy brush is a long oval brush with long, stiff bristles that are great for getting rid of the dirt. Similar to the curry comb, start from your horses’ ear down to the tail, following the direction of their hair growth.
Step 5 – Use a body brush
The last step in brushing your horse’s body is to use a body brush to add shine back into your horse’s coat. This brush has softer bristles that are great for adding shine to their coats, making it look sleeker and healthier. This brush can be used all over their body’s, but you may need to use a smaller one on their face. Horses usually find this step very comforting and relaxing.
Step 6 – Clip your horses fur
Every few weeks or so you should clip your horses fur using horse clippers. A horse’s fur can grow quite quickly, therefore you should trim it every now and again to freshen it up and keep it healthy. Horse clippers will remove length from your horse’s fur, that dirt and mud may easily attach on too. Make sure you are using enough oil to allow the clippers to run smoothly through your horse’s coat.
Step 7 – Comb through their mane and tail
In order to keep your horse’s mane and tail healthy and free of knots and dirt, you should comb through it frequently. Use a wide tooth comb to brush through and detangle their mane and tail, making sure you work through small sections at a time. Combing your horse mane and tails often will ensure it stays healthy and shiny.
Step 8 – Spray your horse with fly spray
Although this is not an essential step in your horse’s regular grooming routine, your horse will greatly appreciate it. Flies can be a nuisance to horse’s, particularly in the summer, so spraying them with fly spray will keep flies away from them. This spray will stop flies from biting your horse and irritating them. While spraying your horse be careful to avoid their face, as this spray can cause irritation if in contact with their face.
Use this guide to get your horse groomed properly!
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