Captain America Civil War
Captain America Civil War was an amazing action packed movie that kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. Whether you are a #TeamCaptain or #TeamIronMan you will be torn as to which side you are really on. So without giving the story line away I wanted to share a few of the things I’ve learned and or similarities to life even when we don’t realize it.
1. A true friendship will last as long as it is meant to. But no matter what happens you should follow your heart.
2. From the beginning of the film each scene is action packed. Some of the characters are the same, but the new additions fit into the story line like they were there all along.
3. Captain America Civil War brought the characters alive once again and took them to all new levels. The division of the teams was a perfect and fitting for the film and had some action packed moments that I was seriously rooting for both teams.
4. Captain America Civil War was action packed and intense in some scenes, but it follows suit with the other Captain America films, but with more exciting twists.
5. “There is a correlation between guilt and generosity,” there is really more truth to that than most of us would like to admit. And if you look really closely at your life you will see some similarities to it.
6. “You try to save as many as you can but it doesn’t always work.” Also another life parallel brought to us by Captain America Civil War.
7. Compromise when you can but it is your duty to say no…..Just think about it, I promise you will get it and it’s liberating when you learn to say no.
8. Family will never let you down. *While this one I agree and disagree with but I will leave you with this thought to ponder, family doesn’t have to be blood.
9. I know a guy…..JUST go watch Captain America Civil War and learn the rest! I promise you won’t be disappointed.
Pick up your copy of Captain America Civil War today!
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