Coming To Terms With Fertility Issues
You might have been trying for a month. You might have been trying for a year or even a couple years. There’s no set rule on how long you will keep going before you decide that something isn’t right. It’s at this point that you will consider speaking to a professional. They will be able to tell you whether something is wrong or whether there are steps you can take to help increase your chances of getting pregnant. But, this can be a difficult road with guilt and blame being thrown around by both individuals in the relationship. Here’s how to handle the situation when you struggle with fertility.
What Are The Chances?
This is the biggest question that you need to answer. You should be aware of what your chances of conceiving actually are. It’s worth knowing that the chances of conceiving each month are around twenty percent. This means that if after six months, you haven’t had any level of success, there might be a problem. That’s when you should think about talking to a professional.
However, it’s also worth knowing that there are various factors that can increase the likelihood of you having issues here. For instance, you might find that you are constantly worried about whether or not you will get pregnant. This will put pressure on both you and your partner, and that alone can make conception a lot less likely. That’s why it’s so important to keep calm when you are trying and keep a clear head. As soon as it becomes a routine with one end goal you will find anxiety levels are just far too high for success.
Age can be a factor too. If you are over thirty, you may struggle than other people when you are attempting to conceive. However, even saying this it’s worth remembering, that an issue with conception does not mean there is no hope. There’s always a chance, and we’re not talking about a one in million possibility here.
Understanding your Diagnosis
People are often terrified and devastated once they receive a diagnosis. But it’s not usually what it seems. For instance, your issue could be a low sperm count. It’s worth knowing that a man producing no sperm at all is actually very rare. A low sperm count is classified as anything under fifteen million which is still a massive amount so there will still be a significant chance at conception here.
Make sure once you receive a diagnosis, you ask your doctor to explain the ins and outs of it. You should have a clear picture of where you stand after you have been told the reason why you are having difficulty. If you have questions, make sure you get the answers.
Ultimately, though you will find that the answer is almost always the same. You can keep trying, and there’s no guarantee you won’t succeed. It’s just going to be an uphill battle.
Finding Help
There are lots of different paths to finding help if you are struggling to conceive from donors to conception therapists. Donors are one of the most popular options because usually, it won’t be both the male and the female with the issue. It will either be you or your partner. That means that you can use your egg and someone else’s sperm. Or, you can use your partner’s sperm and someone else’s egg. This is a difficult decision, and a professional can help you decide whether this is the right choice. Often, it’s about coming to terms with the fact that your baby will, biologically be part of someone else. But, it will still be your son or daughter and your family.
You can also using a surrogate. In this case, someone else will carry your baby for you. In this case, the egg will be yours, and the sperm will be your partners. As such, despite carrying the baby for you, they will be yours biologically. You can speak to a surrogacy agency about this possibility and hopefully find the right match for your needs.
Coping Mentally
When you find yourself with fertility issues, it’s often the psychological impact that is overlooked. Both you and your partner can feel broken. It can put a strain on your relationship as well so don’t rule out the possibility of therapy. It’s better to get the help and support you need to cope rather than to suffer in silent. Often despite the possibilities medicine has now made available you have still lost part of a dream you might have held for years. While a new dream can now be formed, it can still take a while for that particular scar to heal.
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