To save their belongings after a divorce is a normal desire of every person. However, few people think that the fight for such things slows down the process of divorce. It would seem that they are not significant things, but they become those objects that in practice can cause a lot of controversy and problems with the division.
Usually, such things are remembered last of all because their cost is not high, but there is a sentimental attachment. But still, everyone wants to take a piece of his life with him. Let’s talk more about the fight for personal possessions.
War for Personal Possessions: Is the Game Worth the Candle?
It is worth starting with the fact that there is no correctness in the separation of such objects. For example, a computer can be attributed to property acquired in marriage. Regardless of which of the spouses it was intended for. It’s important to remember that this is a sensitive, emotional and fragile time in anyone’s life, not mentioning the stress and pain caused by divorcing a narcissist, however, you’ll have to remain strong and find the courage to ensure you keep your mind and body healthy until you reach the end.
According to the experience of many lawyers, most disputes arise in the division over pets and paintings. By the way, some items can be divided using the court, but this does not mean that the judge will decide on videotapes, photographs, and other similar items. It will take a very, very long time. But what if you and your spouse have different views on who should get this or that things?
How Can You Solve the Question with Personal Possessions?
The best way is peace negotiations. That is when the spouses can agree on who will get the collection of records, a dog or a table lamp. But in practice, this is not always possible, so there is another option. Any of the spouses can apply to the court so that the judge can help resolve the issue of who should own this or that subject.
But there is a pitfall, which again returns to the need of the spouses to negotiate on their own. This is because this process is extremely expensive, which will require at least one additional court hearing. There are many other points in a divorce where it would be prudent to spend money.
Lawyers do not recommend disputing items in court the price of which does not exceed $ 500. Ultimately, it will be more profitable for the parties to buy new items than to fight for the old.
Moreover, when there is no dispute, but there is a mutual agreement regarding the division of property, then you can facilitate the whole process of divorce. If your state provides for an online divorce, then do not miss the opportunity to get easy online divorce. All you need is to find the best online divorce service and get help with all the divorce documents. So you eliminate conflicts, financial costs, fill out all the divorce documents and of course, speed up the whole process.
P.S. There is an interesting story of a real couple who got divorced. They had a common dachshund dog. None of the parties wanted to give the pet for guardianship and a lot of disputes arose between the spouses. It was like a fight for a child. What solution did the couple take?
The husband allowed to leave the pet with his wife, but on condition that he would visit the pet and spend time with it whenever he wanted. The couple even made a schedule when the spouse will be able to take the dog. Something reminiscent of a parenting plan. Of course, this option is not for everyone, but at least it is a good alternative when it comes to pets.
Personal Possessions Tips from Lawyers
A professional will immediately offer you to solve a question regarding personal possessions after you solve more and more important issues. Nevertheless, many lawyers use a different tactic and recommend dealing with this issue on a par with custody of children and the division of property. Here you will find a list of tips from the lawyers who get to the bottom of the division of the personal possessions.
- Once you have decided on a divorce, then take a piece of paper and a pen. Take a walk around your home, garden, and garage. Write down the things that you would like to keep after a divorce or you think that these things should remain with you. After that, discuss this issue with your spouse and try to come to an agreement. In most cases, this approach works.
- Do not make scandals over an old photo album, or gifts from friends. Photos can be copied. And gifts that can be attributed to the joint are most difficult to share.
- If the value of personal possessions does not reach the amount of $ 500, then it makes sense to stop negotiations. In the end, it will be more profitable for you to buy a new item than to bring this issue to court.
- If you have an extremely sharp relationship with your spouse, but you want to take some of your things from the matrimonial home, then this can be done accompanied by a policeman. Talk to your lawyer about being afraid for your safety and you will get the opportunity to pick up your things safely.
Well, the last and important advice is that you should not get stuck in the details. They may not bring you real benefits, but real financial costs are guaranteed. Soberly assess the need for an item before starting a war for it.
Authors Bio
Greg Semmit has years of experience working with different types of legal documents and writing about Family Law for educational purposes. Currently, he is working at OnlineDivorcer company, where he writing blog articles about divorce and divorce cases. In his free time, he likes roaming the streets of New York with his Olympus taking photos of the best spots in the city.
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