You worked hard to receive compensation for a hair injury. You didn’t want it to happen, but you had no choice. You were a victim of incompetence. When you asked yourself can you sue a hairdresser for ruining your hair and realised the answer is yes, you had to move forward. If you presented sufficient evidence, the judge has awarded you the requested amount. If not, the other party probably decided to settle with you outside the court. In exchange, you promised not to pursue the lawsuit anymore. After a long and hard battle, it’s over. Here’s what you should do moving forward.
Use your money wisely
You might be surprised by the amount given to you due to the lawsuit. Don’t feel overwhelmed. It might seem big, but it’s not necessarily a huge amount. You have medical bills to pay. You also can’t work while recovering. Hence, you have no other source of income. A portion of the amount also goes to the legal fees. Therefore, you must be smart in using your money. Otherwise, you will end up with significant debts.
Look for a different job
You got fired from your job because of the injury. It could be due to your inability to perform the job requirements. It might also be that your job required you to look a certain way, and your appearance changed due to the injury. It might be devastating, but it’s not the end of the road. You can still move forward by looking for a different career. Use your other skills to make money. You may also learn a new one.
Be grateful to the people around you
Your experience was physically and emotionally damaging. If you didn’t have anyone else, surviving would have been impossible. The good thing is that you had people who were there for you. They were your shoulders to cry on. Others also helped financially while you still didn’t have sufficient funds. Be grateful to these people and repay them in whatever way you can.
Continue the fight
Just because you got what you wanted doesn’t mean the fight is over. You can still keep the fight going. There are other victims out there who don’t want to come out. They feel embarrassed about what happened. They also believe they’re at fault for suffering such injuries. Be there to remind them it’s never their fault and that they should keep the fight going. They can pursue the battle and potentially get what they deserve. Be an inspiration to these people.
The journey doesn’t end once you receive your compensation, so cherish the moment and breathe a sigh of relief. You’re finally getting the amount and justice you deserve for being a victim of the salon. It also serves as a reminder for the salon managers and owners to do a better job. People enter the establishment to look better. Accidents are avoidable if these people are more responsible. They have to overhaul the business to serve the clients better.
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