When we talk about dentistry, what plays a key role in our health are regular visits to the dentist. What is perhaps even more important is that we teach our children the same from an early age. So, this is what doctors from dentistry Harrisburg NC told us.
When is the right time to prepare your child for first dental control?
Your child should visit the dentist when his/her teeth start to grow between 6 and 12 months. You may need advice for cleaning baby’s gums and first teeth. You should use a soft toothbrush with no toothpaste. The basic function of this method of cleaning is massaging the gum tissues, to relieve the symptoms of teething. By 30 months of age, all of the primary teeth should come into the mouth. Then, you’ll need to schedule an appointment, because you’ll need to begin brushing with a little bit of a toothpaste. That is the time when you need to start teaching your child to brush his/her teeth.
What to expect?
At the first visit, the dentist will examine his/her mouth to make sure everything is growing right. Then he will tell you how to take care of your baby’s teeth including:
- What toothpaste and toothbrush to use
- What washing technique to use and how to teach your child how to brush teeth on his own
- What foods cause cavities
How to prepare your child?
- Watch some cartoons or play video games about the dentist
- Reed books about this subject and don’t use word ”pain ” , because it can scare your child
- Tell your child that the dentist will only make his smile bright and keep his teeth strong and healthy
- Bring his favourite toy
- Be patient and calm, because your energy can affect his mentality
- Roleplay at home will help your child to imagine the whole process. You can help your child to count his teeth one by one, use the gloves and masks, describe in details dentist’s chair, or bring some light
Choosing a dentist
A Pediatric Dentist has additional years of training after dental school and they are teached how to deal with children and their behavior. A good doctor should entertain a child with some colourful walls, stuffed toys, candies or flavoured toothpaste. When children are having fun, they gain trust and they are looking forward to their next appointment.
Preparing as a parent
Prepare the whole medical history of your child and bring every document you may need during this first dental control. Also, make a list of medications that your child consumes and put some of your important questions on that list.
These are just some of the things you should know about how to prepare your child for first dental control. Maybe the most important thing is to enjoy every moment and teach your child how to take care of himself. Don’t forget that you are his role model and that you, and only you decide how he is going to treat his teeth and general health in the future.
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