Set in a suburban fantasy world, Disney and Pixar’s “Onward” introduces two teenage elf brothers who embark on an extraordinary quest. They want to discover if there is still a little magic left out there. Pixar Animation Studios’ all-new original feature film is directed by Dan Scanlon. As well as produced by Kori Rae which happens to also be the team behind “Monsters University.”
“Onward” was released in theaters on March 6, 2020.
But amid all of the chaos in the world right now, The Walt Disney Studios announced on March 20, 2020 that Disney and Pixar’s ONWARD will be available to buy digitally and on Movies Anywhere beginning today at 5:00pm PST/ 8:00pm EST and on Disney+ on April 3rd in the U.S.
The film premiered in theaters on March 6th and earned rave reviews from audiences, including a 95% Verified Audience Score on RottenTomatoes. With cinemas currently impacted by closures due to the global health crisis, Disney will offer the film ahead of schedule to purchase on digital platforms in the U.S. beginning today at 5:00pm PST /8:00pm EST for $19.99.
“While we’re looking forward to audiences enjoying our films on the big screen again soon, given the current circumstances, we are pleased to release this fun, adventurous film to digital platforms early for audiences to enjoy from the comfort of their homes,” said Dan Scanlon (Director, “Onward”) and Kori Rae (Producer, “Onward”).
In ONWARD, teenage elf brothers Ian and Barley Lightfoot (voices of Tom Holland and Chris Pratt) get an unexpected opportunity to spend one more day with their late dad, embarking on an extraordinary quest aboard Barley’s epic van Guinevere. Like any good quest, their journey is filled with magic spells, cryptic maps, impossible obstacles and unimaginable discoveries. But when the boys’ fearless mom Laurel (voice of Julia Louis-Dreyfus) realizes her sons are missing, she teams up with a part-lion, part-bat, part-scorpion, former warrior – aka The Manticore (voice of Octavia Spencer) – and heads off to find them. Perilous curses aside, this one magical day could mean more than any of them ever dreamed.
Onward Activity Sheets
In Disney and Pixar’s “Onward,” two teenage elf brothers embark on an extraordinary quest in a van named Guinevere to discover if there is still a little magic left in the world. Featuring Tom Holland as the voice of Ian Lightfoot, and Chris Pratt as the voice of Ian’s older brother, Barley.
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Want the Onward Soundtrack?
Singer/Songwriter Brandi Carlile Performs End-Credit Song “Carried Me With You”;
Brothers Mychael Danna and Jeff Danna Create Magical Score
Five-time GRAMMY® Award-winning singer/songwriter Brandi Carlile has been tapped to perform an emotionally poignant song, “Carried Me With You,” for the end credits of the upcoming Disney and Pixar film “Onward.” The song is written and produced by Carlile, Phil Hanseroth and Tim Hanseroth, for the original motion picture soundtrack, available digitally from Walt Disney Records on Feb. 28.
“‘Carried Me With You’ is a song about not taking love for granted—accepting love even when you don’t feel like you deserve it,” said Carlile. “It’s absolutely wonderful to be a part of a Pixar film! I can’t wait for my little girls to see it! It’ll no doubt have all the wonder, imagination and creative life lessons our family has come to love about Pixar films.”
The all-new, original film features a dynamic score from multiple-award-winning composers Mychael Danna (Oscar® winner for “Life of Pi”) and Jeff Danna. When they ventured to Pixar Animation Studios to learn about a new project from director Dan Scanlon, they had no idea what to expect——and what they heard astonished them. “It’s weirdly and uncannily personal for us,” said Mychael Danna. “As soon as Dan started talking about it, the hairs went up on the back of my neck. The whole story: father is an accountant and dies when the brothers are young, and how the relationship of the brothers is affected. In our case we were 19 and 13.
“As a composer,” continued Danna, “you have to understand and relate to the emotion of the characters. You have to empathize with them and go to your own experiences. Sometimes that can take some effort, but in this case, there was no problem accessing all the personal emotion we have about this story.”
Their score elevates the fantasy aspect of the film, featuring folk and early music instruments, including folk guitars, the plucked-string psaltery, and a crumhorn. Magic is also a key component of the story, so the composers had to design music to complement the spells and effects. “Musically, the magic is big and out of control—trumpets flying around,” said Jeff Danna. “But at the heart of it, there are four notes. Even in the first scene when the magic is out of control—this whirling cyclone of a cue—there are these four notes that hang through it. That’s the thing you can just barely put your finger on. As the film progresses, we present that more and more clearly. Amongst all of the craziness, these four notes tell the story of the magic.”
The score, which features 44 cues, was recorded with a 92-piece orchestra, conducted by Nicholas Dodd.
Voice Cast: Chris Pratt, Tom Holland, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Octavia Spencer, Mel Rodriguez, Lena Waithe, Ali Wong.
Director: Dan Scanlon
Producer: Kori Rae
Original Score Composed by: Mychael Danna and Jeff Danna
NOTES: “Onward” is inspired by director Dan Scanlon’s personal experiences with his brother.
Shakeia Rieux says
This is my first time hearing about the movie and seeing the trailer for it. It’s going to be a cute, and funny movie! I definitely want to take my nieces to see it!