If you have a panic disorder or if you suffer from anxiety attacks, then you may feel as though this keeps you from travelling. Being in very new or even strange places can make you feel insecure and it may even stop you from being able to enjoy the day ahead. If you want to stop yourself from feeling this way all the time, then there are a few things that you can do to try and make yourself feel better. If you want to find out more then take a look below.
Be Prepared
When you make your travel plans, you need to put some effort into preparing how you are going to deal with the symptoms that accompany your anxiety. If you feel stress or if you know that you are going to feel overwhelmed, then it helps to practice some deep-breathing techniques or even meditation. Research has shown that playing a very difficult game of chess can help you a lot, so keep that in mind if you can. Marijuana is legal in some countries, so if you are travelling to one of them, then why not look into the best dab rigs in advance?
Use Distractions
When you are out travelling, it’s not uncommon for you to focus way more on your symptoms. One way for you to try and manage all of this would be for you to try and shift your focus. When you do this, you will be able to enjoy the other activities that you have to take part in. If you want to help yourself then it would be wise for you to take a good book with you or even your favourite magazine.
Turn Your Negative Thoughts into Positive Ones
Turn any negative thought you have into positive ones by trying to divert your attention where possible. Visualise yourself in a serene scene or even use affirmations to try and calm your thoughts. This could involve repeating “these feelings will pass” over and over again, until you come to the realisation that they will. If you focus on your breathing, then this can have a very calming effect as well.
Accept the Way you Feel
If you know that your symptoms are becoming far too overwhelming for you, then one thing that you can do is accept them. Let your symptoms run their course. Panic attacks usually heighten within a couple of minutes and then they taper off. If you resist your attacks, then you may feel as though you end up losing control or that things just get too much. Remind yourself that it will all pass and that you are going to be able to get through this soon.
Travel with a Friend
If you can, you need to try and make sure that you travel with a friend. Team up with someone who understands the way that you feel so that they can be patient with you and so they can support you through it all. If you can do this, then you will feel better about your adventure in general and you may even find that you can relax a little more too, which is always a good thing.
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