If you don’t maintain your septic system, it can cause many problems. These problems can become overwhelming and expensive if left unattended. And once the damage starts, it only worsens over time if not fixed immediately. To avoid the following problems, you need to contact Rooter Septic Services to fix them before it’s too late. It is vital to stay on top of septic pumping in Fayetteville.
Waste Can Begin to Clog the Pipes
Solids will accumulate in the tank, which means they cannot be broken down by the bacteria living there. They can also clog up the pipes from your home to the tank, leading to backup problems and overflow issues. If this happens, you might need rooter septic services to unclog your pipes.
Solids Will Accumulate in the Tank
Solids accumulate in your septic tank over time if you do not pump them out regularly. These solids can block or plug pipes in your drain field, which may cause wastewater to back into your home. This can also cause foul smells in your yard and gurgling sounds from inside your home when using any plumbing fixtures. These problems may occur for several months until you eventually call for professional help with these issues.
Waste Can Plug the Pipes in the Drain Field
If wastes have accumulated in your septic tank and have not been treated properly by bacteria before being released into an absorption field, they can plug up pipes leading from home to these fields. This can cause backups into sinks and toilets and foul odors in your yard. You may need rooter septic services to correct this situation as well.
Foul Smell in the Yard
One of the first signs that something is wrong with a septic tank is a foul smell coming from it. This indicates an issue with the bacteria in your tank or that there is too much waste buildup in your pipes. If you have this smell coming from your yard, it is important to contact a professional immediately to help identify what may be causing it and how to solve it before it gets worse.
Gurgling Sounds in the Pipes
If there’s no water in your pipes, then there won’t be any gurgling sounds when you flush. However, if water can flow into an empty pipe without going anywhere, air bubbles will build up inside and cause gurgling sounds as they travel through it. This happens because the liquid isn’t being pushed out fast enough by incoming water, so it starts leaking out of the top of the pipe instead.
Backups into Sinks and Toilets
Another common problem is backups into sinks and toilets. This happens when there is insufficient space between the wastewater in the tank and the bottom of the drain field. As long as there is plenty of space between these two items, this should not happen very often — if ever! But if they get too close together, wastewater can back into your home from both toilets and sinks. This can cause a lot of damage to your home!
Septic Tank Overflowing
The most common issue is an overflowing septic tank. Various things can cause this, but it’s often the result of too much water being put into the tank. If you live in an area that gets a lot of rain or several people in your home use the bathroom frequently, this may be an issue for you.
Rooter Septic Services
When your system is working well, you don’t think about it. But when something goes wrong, you may experience one or more of the above problems and costly repairs if too much solid matter accumulates in the tank or seepage between the drain field and yard line. A preferred solution involves annual system maintenance to keep solids from accumulating in the tank and to find any problems before they become big. Annual system maintenance begins with septic pumping in Acworth.
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