If you are not sure which of the hundreds of different CBD product formats to use, we would recommend one – CBD Gummies. Why? you ask. Well, because there are many reasons which we will dive into below.
There are oils, tinctures, isolate powders, patches, and topicals or creams and balms, so it can be difficult to choose one that’s perfect for you and your needs.
But let’s face it, the majority of us love a bit of a sweet something, especially after a meal, or on the go, don’t we? This is where this gelatinous teddy bear-shaped (or cubed squares) come in.
Did you know the first-ever bear-shaped candy was invented almost 100 years ago, in Germany? The idea came from two men who wanted their children to take their daily vitamins and decided to hide it inside of a candy, which is much nicer to eat or chew on than a pill or tablet. The idea took off and now, thanks to people like these cbd gummies wholesale manufacturers, you can find variations of this candy in different sizes, flavors and colors to suit any sweet tooth. But are they good for you? No, not the sugary kind at least.
But the CBD kind – definitely yes! But don’t think that all of the above-mentioned formats have the same benefits. They are all unique to themselves. Below we list at least 10 of them, and if you check my site you can find a lot more amazing uses and benefits of these sweet little bears.
Why Use Gummies?
When you consume CBD in an edible form like the gummies we mention in our article, the delta9-THC, which legally needs to be less than 0.3%, in its simplest explanation (there is a lot of chemistry behind this) goes straight to your stomach, and then heads its way to your liver. There are many stages of the digestion process, however, this is the main crux of it. If you are interested in knowing more about your digestive system and the processes involved, you can go to this website: https://www.webmd.com/heartburn-gerd/your-digestive-system
In continuing with this, once the CBD reaches your liver, with the THC (or lack of), it is transformed into 11 hydroxy-THC. If it’s the THC involved, it will get you high, if there is none in the edible, then you will feel anything from a relaxed state of mind to a more energized or focused state, depending on how much to take i.e. the strength and what strain you take.
Another variable that is unique to this type of consumption method is that, if for example, you smoke the CBD, you will feel the effects almost immediately, however, when you eat the bear candy, the timing is slightly different, as in it take slightly longer to feel the positive effects because it passes through the circulatory system slower in order for it to reach your brain.
In some cases, it could take anywhere up to 120 minutes for it to take full effect. But once you start feeling anything different, it can last for just as long, and some users stet that it lasts them up to 10 hours. These longer-lasting effects are possibly what makes them our first choice over any of the others. Plus, the fact that you can pop them in your mouth while on the go, isn’t a bad idea either.
Dosing and the Best Approach Towards Using Edibles
When trying to figure out the right dosage when taking these gummies, it is always best to follow the manufacturers instructions on the package labelling or check their website for additional information.
Sometimes it may be the case where you take one in the morning and if you feel like the effects are wearing out after a few hours, you may be able to take another one later in the afternoon if necessary and depending on what you are using it for.
Digestion and metabolism are different for individual people and some people have a fast metabolism while others may have a slower one. there are things you can do to speed up your metabolisms such as drinking green tea, or eating protein and doing lots of activities and exercises, but that’s a topic for another day.
The difference is that you may just be processing the compounds in the CBD infused gummies different from the next guy. It is however good to note that ingesting more does not necessarily mean you get faster effects. In fact, it may make you feel dizzy or sick to your stomach if you eat more than you should, much like a normal candy.
If done the right way you can reap all the positive and wonderful benefits from them, so don’t overdo it, especially if it is one that has THC in it.
Proven Health Benefits
In conclusion, when you choose to go with these edibles, you should be able to harness the many great paybacks of it such as treating various health conditions like:
- Epilepsy
- Pain
- Inflammation
- Anxiety
- Arthritis
- Insomnia and sleep disorders
- Parkinson’s disease
- Acne
- Vomiting and nausea (but not for pregnant women)
- Nervousness
- Stress
- Indigestion
And more.
In the end, it is one of the easiest types of product to use and in some cases is more effective than other formats. Plus, the benefit of it being long-lasting means you won’t need to buy too much and will be able to save money. It is also gentle on the lungs, as opposed to something like smoking it and is available both online and in stores.
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